Wednesday, December 14, 2016

the curse of the Michelin family (you thought the Kennedy clan was jinxed?)

both sons of the co-founder died at age 34
 Etienne died whyen his airplane crashed in a storm in 1932
 Pierre Michelin dies driving a Citroën in 1937 on the N7 (national highway)

The grandson of the other co-founder died in WW2 combat while flying, in 1943
his father was part of the French resistance and was captured and killed in Buchenwald in 1945

Robert Puiseux, Édouard Michelin son was injured driving his Citroen in 1946

Jean Luc Michelin was driving a Bugatti 57 on the N7 and hit a stationary truck, killing him, and both his girls, and the nanny in 1949

A few months later his brother was moving his car and ran over his child

Replacing them as president and co-manager of Michelin and Citroen, Pierre-Jules Boulanger died in a car crash in 1950

Another grandson of a founder, Patrice Michelin shot his wife with a 22 rifle, through the neck. Claimed to have dropped the rifle and accidental discharge, but the evidence of a horizontal path of the bullet proved murder, 1960. He was fined 2000 francas and released to raise the 3 kids.

Edourd Michelin, great grandson of a founder drowned while fishing in 2006, due to the fishing boat wrecking without a storm.